Keeping the Fire Lit; Or, How I Wish Prometheus Would Gift Me a Hot Water Tank

When the Israelites hungered, did not God provide them mana? When the ancient sailors were lost, did not God provide them stars by which to navigate their course? When Mark was smelly and unshowered, did not God provide him with some honeycomb looking device to stick into an aluminum bucket of water and then plug into the wall and then wait twenty minutes to then stand in the bathtub and use an oversized porcelain cup to dip into the bucket and awkwardly pour warm water over himself?

Rejoice, America! Rejoice, World! These things have been provided! So too is thy future provided for, World, as with a mythical and forever climbing 401k portfolio!

O why then, Mark, dost thou cry out to the heavens when the old woman who runs the guesthouse intermittently steals away into the night with thy honeycomb looking device? Dost thou not remember the sufferings of old Job? Is not thy soul ennobled by suffering? Is not thy soul perennially fresh and whole, flowering moon-yellow from thy body in the Georgian night?

5 comments on “Keeping the Fire Lit; Or, How I Wish Prometheus Would Gift Me a Hot Water Tank

  1. Rick Coxson says:

    can’t – stop – laughing

  2. Jennifer Beels says:


  3. Justina Jenkins says:

    I understand the horror of suddenly realizing there are no lights or hot water. CRAP!

  4. Leanne Coxson says:

    I made the mistake of reading this during class and hysterically burst out laughing. Needless to say, at least 100 of my closest classmates now think I’m a lunatic.

  5. Caitlin Rocío Maria O'Neill says:

    I tried to read this to Ren just now. I couldn’t make it through because of the intermittent laughter. HIGH-larious!

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